10-09-2024 11:05 Mark Foster, from Foster The People: On Lollapalooza Chile 2025, his adventures in Santiago and writing an album about "what it is to be flawed as a human" Foster The People's lead man shared his excitement over returning to Chile for Lollapalooza 2025. And as he reminisced about the band's past visits, where he spent days off touring around Santiago with members of The Kooks and Interpol, he discussed his band's latest album. After long seven years without new LPs, 2024's "Paradise State of Mind" comes as FPT's "deepest, most complex, rhythmic record ever," influenced by Mark's own personal growth, sobriety, and deeper connection with spirituality.
Chile entregará este viernes antecedentes del crimen de Ronald Ojeda ante la Corte Penal Internacional El Gobierno chileno hará entrega de los antecedentes recabados a la fecha respecto al secuestro y homicidio del exmilitar venezolano, de manera que sea sumada a las indagatorias que lleva el persecutor de la Corte.
Mundo 5 mil dólares en gift cards: Detienen a chilena en EE.UU. por robo de tarjeta de crédito y fraude
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